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Workshop: Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen-bonded systems

Trieste, 26th – 27th October, 2009
Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen-bonded systems
ICTP, Trieste (Italy)
A two-day Workshop on the “Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen-bonded systems” will be held at the ICTP in Trieste (Italy), 26 and 27 October 2009. Advances in experimental tools and computational methods are making this an extremely exciting time for the field, a time when substantial advances in our understanding of hydrogen bonded systems appear possible. The focus of this meeting will be on cutting-edge experimental and computational approaches, and on recent results aiming at describing and understanding the peculiarities of hydrogen-bonded systems in condensed phases such as solids, liquids, and macromolecular systems.
Topics covered include: Structure and dynamics of hydrogen-bonded liquids and solids, Hydrogen-bonded systems in confined geometries, Biomolecular systems: proteins and DNA, Polymorphism, High pressure phases and phase diagrams, Water and aqueous solutions, Ferroelectric ices. Techiques include: Neutron Diffraction, Compton and quasi-elastic neutron scattering, X-ray diffraction and inelastic scattering, Pump-probe spectroscopy, Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamics, Ab initio electronic structure calculations, Path integral methods, Wave function methods for vibrations.
Workshop: Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy – WHOSE 2009
15th-16th October 2009
Whorkshop on Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy (WHOSE 2009)
Villa Mondragone, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma
The workshop covers many aspects of research and development on hybrid and organic photovoltaics. Is intended to be an italian as well international forum for discussions on the current trends and future directions of hybrid and organic photovoltaics, the science and the industrialization. The emphasis of the contributions is on interdisciplinary aspects of this field.
Related Information:
Web site
Workshop: MANA

Rome, 13th October 2009
Nanomaterials for sustainable development
Villa Mondragone, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Moneporzio Catone, Rome, Italy
Related Information:
Workshop: Long-Pulse Instrumentation
26th – 28th August, 2009
Long-Pulse Instrumentation
The European community is currently working to develop plans for the ESS, a 5 MW long-pulse spallation neutron source, and the SNS in the US is currently developing plans for a second target station (STS) operating in the long-pulse mode at ~1 MW. Therefore it makes sense for the US and European communities to pool resources to develop a better understanding of what might be possible with neutron beam instrumentation optimized for operation at high-power long-pulse spallation neutron sources.
Related Information:
ORNL Neutron Sciences
Conference: Deadline abstract submission Nanosmat 2009
The deadline for abstract submissions for the 4th NanoSmat Conference to be held in Rome, is fast approaching (30th June 2009).
Please submit your Abstract to abstract@nanosmat2009.com by 30th june 2009.
Meeting: ISM vs NAST
CNR, Area della Ricerca di Roma II, Aula Convegni
Download pdf Meeting
- prof. Del Sole.pdf
- prof. Desideri.pdf
- prof.ssa Licoccia.pdf
- dr. Morales.pdf
- dr. Pulci.pdf
- prof. Richter.pdf
- prof. Rosato.pdf
- dr. Senesi.pdf
- prof. Venanzi.pdf
Seminar: MD simulation of Nafion-related fluel-cell membrane materials
28th April 2009 – 15:30
Prof. Josh Thomas (Uppsala University)
MD simulation of Nafion®-related fuel-cell membrane materials
U.M. Grassano, Campus
Perfluorosulphonic acid (PFSA) polymers have long been the proton-conducting membranes of choice in PEMFC and DMFC applications. Nafion® has indeed become the standard against which any new polymer FC membrane must be benchmarked. What then is special about this material – and how could it be improved?
Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation can provide us with valuable insights to help answer these questions. With today’s high-performance computers, simulations can be performed involving tens of thousands of atoms. I will describe MD simulations of two hydrated membrane polymers for comparison purposes: Nafion® and another popular FC membrane material Hyflon® – earlier known as the Dow® membrane. These two polymers differ only in the nature of their side-chains. Subtle differences are found to result in their water-channel morphologies and in the local environments and dynamics of the hydrated protons which move in their channels. These differences can help explain the differences found in the properties of these two membranes.
Related Information:
Seminar: A Planet in search for Energy
27th April 2009 – 15:00
Prof. P. Gomez Romero (Centro de Investigación en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, CIN2 (CSIC-ICN),
Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra -Barcelona- SPAIN)
U.M. Grassano, Campus
With cheap oil is on its way to extinction and more abundant carbon threatening climate and environment, our present model for energy generation and consumption is doomed to a radical change or to a radical crisis. And yet, every year we burn more and more fossil fuels. We are already living the beginning of a complex combined problem between energy and the environment, a problem that will not vanish miraculously through the chimney. But every year we use more and more energy.
Maybe in the slumber of the kingdom of dispensable consuming, our supposedly civilized society doesn’t seem to be alarmed by this situation. We seem to believe that, when the time comes, science, technology and the market will come to our rescue providing the massive amounts of energy needed to keep our society moving. But the time is NOW. In this talk we will present the overwhelming problem of energy in our present society, the links between energy, environment and economy and the many lines of action that could be taken to tackle this problem. This will include technological and social aspects, all intertwined to the limit. Hydrogen and fuel cells, solar energy and other renewables, nuclears, energy efficiency…a cocktail difficult to digest for the public in general which we scientists have the responsibility to explain to our fellow citizens. This talk aims at showing how.
Related books:
Pedro Gomez-Romero “Un planeta en busca de energía” Ed. Síntesis, 2007
Pedro Gomez-Romero. “Metaevolución. La Tierra en el espejo” Ed. Celeste, 2001.
Related Information:
Ancient Charm: i neutroni per l’arte. Svelati i segreti delle teste bronzee del Ghiberti
Release presso l’ Università Tor Vergata
Conference: NANOSMAT 2009
Rome, 19th – 22th October, 2009
4th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials
Crown Plaza Hotel
Via Aurelia Antica 415 00165 Rome
Selected papers presented at the Conference will be published, after peer-reviewing process and depending on the Symposium, in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine or Surface Engineering.
The deadline for Abstract submission is 15 June 2009.
Full paper sbmission deadline is 30 Oct 2009.
Related Information:
Nanosmat 2009
Symposium: Physical Techniques in Biomedical applications
Rome, 20th April , 2009
Italy-UK partnership in Neutron Science: Thirty Years and Beyond
Aula Fleming
Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
The SYMPOSIUM has the objectives to illustrate the opportunities in biology and medicine offered by the new radiation sources based on ion beams, Free Electron Laser and neutrons, with particular attention to possible scientific and technological developments that will enable these sources and the prospects for Roman of the scientific community, national and international. In the world today thousands of researchers, research organizations, universities and industry, using synchrotron light sensor, ion and neutron to conduct frontier research and complementary, for example in the areas of environmental science, bioscience, engineering, chemical, pharmaceutical sciences, physical and geological, health sciences and materials. The emphasis of the symposium will be on the opportunities of ion probes, light and neutrons in the fields of radiotherapy and molecular diagnostics, characterization of biological systems for the phenomena that occur on the nanometer spatial scale, and time scale of femtoseconds.
Participation in the symposium is free and open to all interested parties. For organizational reasons, however you must confirm your participation to the Conference secretariat before 16 April 2009 to the email address: infomedicina@uniroma2.it
Related Information:
Workshop: ESSBilbao Initiative Workshop Multi-MW Spallation Neutron Sources: Current Challenges and Future Prospects
Rome, 15th – 18th March, 2009
ESSBilbao Initiative Workshop Multi-MW Spallation Neutron Sources: Current Challenges and Future Prospects
Bilbao Exhibition Centre
Related Information:
Web site
News: Battistero di Firenze and Gates of Paradise
Reliefs (1425-1452) by Lorenzo Ghiberti from Battistero di Firenze examined on ISIS neutron spallation source.
Related link:
Photogallery – Battistero di Firenze and Gates of Paradise
Whorkshop: Bio&Medical Sciences with new Light Sources
Rome, 12th-13 th March, 2009
Bio&Medical Sciences with new Light Sources
Villa Wolkonsky, Via Ludovico di Savoia, Rome, Italia
Whorkshop within FEL project
Related Information:
Web site