V Course : “Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications”
4th July – 13th July 2018
Directors of the Course: Paul Henry (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) and Timmy Ramirez-Cuesta (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Dr. Thomas Christiansen
Museo Egizio, Torino, Italy
“Tracing the history of ancient Egyptian ink with synchrotron and neutron sources”
26th June, 11:00 a.m.
A team of two Master students and two PhD students worked on VESUVIO beamline improvement during an international experiment at the ISIS-STFC pulsed neutron and muon source. The hands-on training of the undergraduate students from the Physics department of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Federico Chiarelli and Antonio D’Auria, was part of the course of “Modern Applied Physics” coordinated by Prof. Roberto Senesi. During the neutron experiment Federico and Antonio were supervised by Dr. Pierfrancesco Ulpiani and Dr. Dalila Onorati, first year PhD students of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. The whole team was composed also by Prof. Roberto Senesi and the instrument scientists Dr. Giovanni Romanelli and Dr. Matthew Krzystynyak.
Aim of the experiment was to demonstrate the improvement of VESUVIO after the changes of the experimental set-up performed by the team.
The very surprising preliminary results have demonstrated an increase of the counting statistics by a factor 6. It seems like an upgrade of the beamline without any expenses; in fact the Physics under the detection process was modified and not the hardware used.
A very exiting experience for the students!!
from back left: A. D’auria, Prof. R. Senesi, F. Chiarelli, Dr. D. Onorati and Dr. P. Ulpiani
from front left: Dr. G. Romanelli and Dr. M. Krzystynyak
Poster with preliminary result
Prof. Francesco Mallamace
University of Messina, Messina, Italy
“Nuclear Compton scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance, a common way to understand the local order“
30th May, 10:30 a.m.
The PhD Award 2018 will be presented to Dr. Claudia Scatigno, PhD at NAST Centre (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”) for her Joint Doctoral Thesis 2017 titled:
The Award consists of a silver medal and will be assigned by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) during the PhD Investiture Ceremony on the 25th May 2018 (Leioa, Great Hall).
Claudia Scatigno received a “Doctor Europaeus” and International PhD in Earth Science (“La Sapienza” University of Rome) and in Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Heritage and Landscape, Environmental Analytical Chemistry (UPV/EHU) in 2017. Currently she is a PhD student in Chemical Science at the Department of “Chemical Science and Technologies” (DSTC), University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
She is presently a member of the TOSCA and VESPA experimental teams at the ISIS Spallation Neutron Source (UK) working on the upgrading and developments of both the Inelastic Neutron Scattering beamlines. In particular she is working to the development of an ad-hoc database for instrument-model validation by chemometric tools on TOSCA spectrometer; and, as a member of the VESPA project, she is working at the design and development of the CNR-STFC Inelastic neutrons vibrational beamline which will be realised at ISIS and then installed at the ESS (Lund, Sweden).
IX Chinese Spallation Neutron Source International Advisory Committee Review Meeting took place from December 18-20, 2017 at CSNS Site, Dongguan, China
SCIENCE, February 2018
Birds View of CSNS, Aug. 2017
7th – 8th November 2017, Villa Wolkonsky and Centro Fermi – Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi
Neutrons Matter, the seventh edition of the International Workshop on Electron-volt Neutron Spectroscopy, celebrates the 85th anniversary of the discovery of the neutron by James Chadwick, and the 80th anniversary of the patent issued by the Ministero delle Corporazioni on 27th October 1937 to Enrico Fermi for the use of neutrons to enhance artificial radioactivity. The last discovery took place at the Istituto di Fisica di Via Panisperna at the very heart of Rome. Following a successful sixth edition of this workshop series in the United Kingdom in 2014, we aim to bring to the fore and highlight the most recent (and quite exciting) advances in the field, with an emphasis on the use of the technique across condensed matter research, as well as the concurrent use of contemporary computational materials modelling. The workshop will be held in Rome, in the beautiful setting of Villa Wolkonsky and at the Centro Fermi – Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi.
Dr Kacper Druzbicki of the Adam Mickiewicz University received the “NEUTRONS MATTER” Medal and Prize
Centro Fermi’s Website
Villa Wolkonsky’s Website
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Prof. Markus Roth ,
Institute for Nuclear Physics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
“New compact laser-based high energy particles sources“
25th May at 14:30
Location: Grassano Room, Via Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133
Six master students of the University of Rome Tor Vergata received a hands-on training in neutron scattering as part of the course on “Modern Applied Physics”, under the guidance of Prof. R. Senesi.
They had the possibility to gain experience working in the scientific environment at the STFC -ISIS, a large scale international neutron research facility located at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK.
After receiving a formal training in Rome, the students have been actively involved in a neutron scattering experiment on the VESUVIO spectrometer at ISIS, collecting a significant amount of data, under the guidance of Prof. Senesi, Dr. G. Festa, Dr. L. Arcidiacono, and the VESUVIO instrument scientists G. Romanelli and M. Krzystynyak. A massive 100 Gb of raw data were promptly analysed by the students, divided in two groups, along the following division of tasks:
Aurora Zaganelli, Valerio Scacco and Giulia Campa have analysed the VESUVIO and ChipIR beamlines activation decay acquired with an High Purity Germanium detector.
PierFrancesco Ulpiani and Dalila Onorati have analysed DINS (Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering) measurements on a polyethylene standard sample, while Alex Di Giulio carried out a Monte Carlo neutron transport simulation of the beam line.
Dalila and Alex had also a chance to present their work in two talks at the ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy Group meeting on May 17th– exciting times for Tor Vergata students!
to left: Di Giulio Alex , Scacco Valerio, Ulpiani Pierfrancesco, Dott. Romanelli Giovanni, Prof. Senesi Roberto, Prof. Felix Fernandez Alonso , Arcidiacono Laura, Zaganelli Aurora, Onorati Dalila, Campa Giulia
Locations: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK.
Date: 12th – 20th on May 2017
The workshop was organized by The “Enrico Fermi” Historical Museum of Physics and Research & Study Centre – Centro Fermi, on the occasion of the completion of the renovation works of its headquarters, namely the historic building where the Institute of Physics of the University of Rome was located since 1880 up to 1935 and where Enrico Fermi carried out the fundamental research that earned him the Nobel prize in 1938.
The Workshop was a forum for discussing points of view, themes, issues and innovative solutions that could help Centro Fermi in the design of the Fermi Museum that is planned to open by the end of 2017.
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Congratulations to Giulia Festa, associated to Nast Centre, on winning the outstanding women scientists within the Virtual Special Issue on Women in Physics 2017 for her contribution to science with the paper:
Research opportunities with compact accelerator-driven neutron sources
I.S. Anderson, C. Andreani, J.M. Carpenter, G. Festa, G. Gorini, C.-K. Loong, R. Senesi
Physics Reports, Volume 654, October 2016, Pages 1-58
Giulia Festa received a PhD in Physics from the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2009. She is an experimental physicist at Centro Fermi in Rome (Italy) and her research focuses on the development and application of advanced neutron techniques for the study of cultural heritage artefacts and materials at the nanoscale.
These techniques include Diffraction, Gamma Spectroscopy, Neutron Resonance Analysis and Imaging.
Currently she is member of the team participating in the design and development of a novel technique, i.e. Time of Flight Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (T-PGAA), and related methods at the ISIS Spallation Neutron Source (UK). She is serving as a referee for several international journals and co-editor of a book, Neutron Methods for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (2017).
Prof. Roberto Bartolino , University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy
“Star the new italian facility of coherent X-rays: state of the art, perspectives“
28th February at 14:00
Location: Seminar Room, Department of Chemistry, Via Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133
Erice School @ Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture
IV Course : “Neutron Precession Techniques”
1st July – 8th July 2017,
Directors of the Course: Peter Falus (ILL, Grenoble) and Klaus Habicht (HZB, Berlin)
27th February 2017
NAST Centre organizes the the multisciplinary research meeting 2017
Location: Aula Magna Pietro Gismondi
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN and closes on February 25th 2017
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