Workshop: Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen-bonded systems


Trieste, 26th – 27th October, 2009

Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen-bonded systems

ICTP, Trieste (Italy)

A two-day Workshop on the “Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen-bonded systems” will be held at the ICTP in Trieste (Italy), 26 and 27 October 2009. Advances in experimental tools and computational methods are making this an extremely exciting time for the field, a time when substantial advances in our understanding of hydrogen bonded systems appear possible. The focus of this meeting will be on cutting-edge experimental and computational approaches, and on recent results aiming at describing and understanding the peculiarities of hydrogen-bonded systems in condensed phases such as solids, liquids, and macromolecular systems.

Topics covered include: Structure and dynamics of hydrogen-bonded liquids and solids, Hydrogen-bonded systems in confined geometries, Biomolecular systems: proteins and DNA, Polymorphism, High pressure phases and phase diagrams, Water and aqueous solutions, Ferroelectric ices. Techiques include: Neutron Diffraction, Compton and quasi-elastic neutron scattering, X-ray diffraction and inelastic scattering, Pump-probe spectroscopy, Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamics, Ab initio electronic structure calculations, Path integral methods, Wave function methods for vibrations.

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