Cultural Heritage

“Deterioration of stone monuments”

Schermata 2019-12-28 alle 22.26.31Biodeterioration is the irreversible loss of value and / or information of an art object following the attack of living organisms. Thus the importance of performing morphological and molecular characterization of phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms of biofilms that deteriorate stone monuments. The best way to preserve it is to know the nature of phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms of biofilms that stone monuments deteriorate. In the last three years researchers from the Department of Biology have made some molecular characterizations of phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms of the deteriorating biofilm materials of historical and artistic interest, using the optical microscope, confocal a laser and petrographic scanning. These features have allowed targeted restoration interventions aimed at preserving monuments with their eradication. With the creation of the ISIS@MACH Hub the group of UTOV intends to expand the morphological and molecular characterization activities of microorganisms phototrophs and heterotrophs of biofilm. Project foresees new experimental analyzes to be realized – through the platform for “apply for beamtime”- both at ISIS@MACH, and at ISIS neutron beamlines, using the complementary neutron techniques of the TOSCA, MAPS, IMAT.

References (TO BE ADDED)