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Seminar: Advanced Characterization Techniques for Clean Energy Materials

3th December 2012 – 15:30
Prof. Lorenzo Malavasi (Department of Chemistry & INSTM, Pavia, Italy)
Aula U. M. Grassano
Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Related Information:
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Seminar: Quantum turbulence in a flow of He superfluid
6th September 2012 – 15:00
Dr. Simone Babuin (Accademia delle Scienze della Repubblica Ceca, Praga)
Aula Seminari del Dipartimento di Chimica
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
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Meeting: UCANS-III – presentations online

Spain, July 31st– Agust 3rd, 2012
Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (UCANS)
Accelerator Site in Bilbao, Spain
Related Information:
Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources- opens up new opportunities for organizations to enter the field of neutron physics with modest investments and without the proliferation and safety concerns associated with building a new research reactor. Such facilities can be used in fields as diverse as materials science, nuclear physics, medical physics, engineering, and cultural heritage. A satellite meeting to the ICANS-XIX Meeting (March 2010, Grindelwald, Switzerland) offered an opportune occasion to consolidate an alliance among institutions interested in constructing and operating such facilities. At this meeting participants unanimously acceded to the establishment of the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (UCANS). The members are: from the USA, Argonne National Lab (ANL) and Indiana University, from Japan, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Hokkaido University, Kyoto University and RIKEN, from China, Peking University and Tsinghua University, from Italy INFN Legnaro and INFN Frascati. Jack Carpenter of ANL serves as the initial spokesperson of UCANS. The participants of this new collaboration are united in their firm believe that UCANS is complementary to ICANS membership in both collaborations is encouraged.
The commissioning of the facilities in Indiana (LENS) proved the technical viability and the scientific importance of medium intensity sources based on accelerators. The impact of the scientific work performed at LENS in the area of moderators and the growing interest of the international scientific community in these advances are an evidence of the potential of this kind of facilities.
After two successful meetings, the next UCANS event will take place at the Accelerator Site in Bilbao, in summer 2012 July 31st- Agust 3rd.
School: International Neutron Scattering Instrumentation School (INSIS)
About the School
INSIS is a new international school aimed at providing a comprehensive training in the fundamental concepts of instrumentation for neutron scattering experiments.The INSIS school is aimed at PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and early career scientists who wish to be involved in the design and development of novel instrumentation and components at present and future neutron sources. The course will provide basic and advanced lectures, simulation activities and tutorials about neutron scattering instrumentation.The school is intended as a ‘pipeline’ initiative, to promote increased activities in instrument design and develop the next generation of instrument designers with a target audience of about 25 students. The school is composed of two distinct parts: the first week (15th – 20th July) will introduce basic instrumentation and components used in neutron scattering research; and the second week (22nd – 27th July) will provide a more in depth insight into neutron detector technologies. Students may participate in the first week, the second week, or both.This school is partially supported by the CNR, INFN, University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Milano Bicocca, U.S. National Science Foundation and the European NMI3.
website: http://neutrons.ornl.gov/conf/insis2012/
3rd META meeting, a satellite event of INSIS School 2012
A piano concert by Maestro Adolfo Barabino (an initiative coordinated by Raffaello Morales) was held at Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra on Sunday, July 15th at 19:30.
Application Deadline: June 7, 2012
Video Lectures
Video lectures recorded live during the INSIS school
Lectures Monday July 16 2013
Lectures Tuesday July 17 2013
Lectures Wednesday July 18 2013
Lectures Thurday July 19 2013
Lectures Friday July 20 2013
Lectures Monday July 23 2013
Lectures Tuesday July 24 2013
Lectures Wednesday July 25 2013
Lectures Thurday July 26 2013
Concert Video
Piano concert by Maestro Adolfo Barabino
News: NAST signs a cooperative research agreement with INRS – Université du Québec, Canada
NAST signs a cooperative research agreement with INRS – Université du Québec, Canada
News: NAST researchers identify the reasons for ancient paper yellowing and set up strategies and selective chemical treatments to prevent it
NAST researchers identify the reasons for ancient paper yellowing and set up strategies and selective chemical treatments to prevent it.
School: XI International School of Neutron Scattering ‘Francesco Paolo Ricci’
Neutron Investigation of Biosystems
Taormina, 22nd – 29th May, 2012
Palazzo Duchi di S. Stefano, Taormina Italy (link)
Registration deadline:
5th May, 2012
Scientific Directors XI Edition:
C. Andreani, S. Magazù
Detailed information and registration:
E-mail contact: school_fpricci@me.cnr.it
About the School
The School Francesco Paolo Ricci is an international school, established in 1994, providing a comprehensive training in the fundamental concepts of neutron scattering. The XI edition, “Neutron Investigation of Biosystems”, will be dedicated to training students in neutron spectroscopy techniques applied to the investigation of the structural, dynamical and functional properties of biosystems and to their biotechnological applications.
School Objectives
Educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron facilities, in neutron scattering techniques, instrumentation and data collection, analysis and interpretation. Expose participants to cutting-edge research in biosystems. Build interactions between graduate students, their research centres and university groups, Lectures will include basic and simulation tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods.
Target Audience:
Students attending universities majoring in physics, chemistry, materials science, or related fields.
Seminar: Importance of van der Waals interactions in a condensed but disorder matter: Liquid water
16th February 2012 – 14:30
Dr. Ari P. Seitsonen (Physikalisch Chemisches Institut der Universität Zürich)
Aula U. M. Grassano
Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Related Information:
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