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Seminar: Macroscopic Through Atomic Characterisations of Bioactive Dental Cements

3th December 2013 – 14:30
Dr. K. Tian (Materials Science Research Institute, Faculty of Dentistry, Semmelweis University, Budapest)
Aula Seminari
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
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Conference: Neutrons for Italy: opportunities for new developments in science with neutrons
6th December 2013 ore 09:00 – 18:00
CNR headquarters in Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro
Aula Convegni
The conference is organized by the DSFTM for the CNR at the initiative of the Presidents of CNR, INFN and ST. It aims to highlight the vitality of the industry, the scientific impact (also outside the scope of physics) and industrial ones, as well as training activities and training for young researchers and technicians. It also aims to identify a shared line of development of the use of ESS neutron sources, ILL and ISIS starting from the emerging needs of the Italian scientific community.
And ‘necessary to register (at the bottom left of the poster button) for logistical reasons.
School: XII School of Neutron Scattering – Application is now open
30th April – 9th of May 2014
Application is now open for the XII School of Neutron Scattering (SoNS) “Francesco Paolo Ricci”: Introduction to the theory and techniques of neutron scattering and applications to Cultural Heritage.
The school will be held at the ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE, Erice (Sicily, I) as a specialized course within the International School of Solid State Physics (Director: Giorgio Benedek), between the 30th April and the 9th of May 2014.
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News: The Ministry of Education inaugurates industrial doctorates
The Official Gazette of May 6, 2013 was published the decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (DM 8 February 2013 n. 45, which will come into force on May 21) laying down the procedure for accreditation of the seats and doctoral courses.
Meeting: Joint Meeting Centre CTIF – Centre NAST
22nd October 2013 – 14:00
Joint Meeting Centre CTIF – Centro per le TeleInFrastrutture – and Centre NAST – Centro Nanotecnologie e Strumentazione
Edificio Didattica – Ingegneria, Sala riunioni nella ex-presidenza 2° piano
News: Competing quantum effects on the kinetic energy of protons in water
Quantum mechanics plays an important role in determining the structure and dynamics of water, down to the level of the atomic nuclei. Sometimes, nuclear quantum effects (NQEs) along different molecular axes compete with each other and partially cancel each other out. This phenomenon is thought to play a role in determining the melting and boiling temperatures of water. Now for the first time, scientists have experimentally observed that two large components of NQEs partially cancel each other out to result in a small net effect on the melting and boiling points of water.
Conference: PepMat 2013 Peptide Materials for Biomedicine and Nanotechnology

Naples, October 28-31, 2013
1st International Conference on Peptide Materials for Biomedicine and Nanotechnology (PepMat2013)
Imperial Hotel Tramontano, Sorrento, Naples Italy
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2nd META (MID-TERM) Workshop 2013
July 3rd, 2013
2nd META (MID-TERM) Workshop 2013
Università di Roma Tor Vergata – Aula Magna Macroarea di Scienze, Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma
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Symposium: 1st Symposium on Therapeutic potential of redox active nanoparticles and natural compounds

23rd April 2013 ore 9:45 – 16:00
1stsymposium on
Therapeutic potential of redox active nanoparticles and natural compounds
Chair: Lina Ghibelli
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” – Edificio SOGENE, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1, 00133 Roma
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Seminar: Bioorganic Nanodots
25th March 2013 – 15:00
Prof. Gil Rosenman (School of Electrical Engineering-Physical Electronics, Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Aula Seminari Paoluzi
Dipartimento di Fisica
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
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Seminar: Chirality of Polymers in Excited States
18th March 2013 – 15:30
Prof. Tamaki Nakano (Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
Aula Seminari
Dipartimento di Scienze Tecnologie Chimiche
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
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The infrastructure ESRF, ILL and ISIS for research areas of CNR
Following the conference on European Infrastructure last February to CNR, ROADSHOWS 2013 aims to promote research opportunities and how to access at the Research Infrastructures (RI) Synchrotron Light ESRF (Grenoble, F) and Neutron, ILL (Grenoble, F) and ISIS (Oxfordshire, UK). The initiative is based on an idea of the President of the CNR as a result of his visits to the above infrastructure, “[…] I have strengthened even more convinced that we must consolidate the Italian participation in large research facilities, participation in which allows our researchers to continue producing high-level knowledge, to carry out frontier research and develop cutting-edge methodologies for a wide range of potential applicazioni.Tenuto account that the CNR participation is open to a consistent improvement, it has been agreed with the management of European laboratories of Grenoble and Oxfordshire action of ‘awareness’ at all of our departments on the potential of these large research infrastructures in areas such as environment, energy, materials, health, cultural heritage. “
ROADSHOWS 2013 is aimed at presenting the potential and opportunities for research at ESRF, ILL and ISIS, the European research infrastructures with which the CNR research collaborations and established international agreements. E ‘addressed to the CNR researchers, universities and research institutions and Italian institutions.
Fourteen roadshows were planned at ADR CNR, during each of which national and international experts will present:
a) the three infrastructures, their mode of access and preparation of experimental proposals;
b) the beam lines and the available experimental techniques;
c) the most significant scientific results in each of the seven subject areas identified and corresponding to those of the CNR Departments skills, namely:
- Engineering, ICT and Technology for Energy and Transport Energy and IT
- Science Bio-Agri-Food Science
- Biomedical Sciences – Biomedical Science
- Chemistry and Technology of Materials – Chemistry and Materials Technology
- Science and Technology of the Earth System for the Environment – Environment and Earth Science
- Physical Sciences and Technologies of Materia- Physics and Technologies of Matter Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage – Cultural Heritage
- The Roadshows provide for the participation of representatives of the three infrastructure and will conclude with a conference at the headquarters of the CNR.
- name and surname
- institute
- indication of the area of interest or to contact the thematic areas for your ADR and / or Vania Virgili: vania.virgili@cnr.it by January 23 for the meetings from January 31 to February 8, before February 19, for meetings from March 4 to March 8.
31st January, Genova – AdR CNR, Sala Leonardo, via De Marini 16
1st February, Roma – AdR CNR, Montelibretti, Sala Conferenze – Via Salaria Km 29.300 – Monterotondo Stazione
1st February, Roma – AdR CNR, Tor Vergata, Aula Convegni – Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100
4th February, Palermo – AdR CNR, Aula Cocchiara, via Ugo La Malfa 153
5th February, Cosenza – AdR CNR, Aula Didattica/Aula Convegni UNICAL, Edificio ex-CUD, via Cavour 4/6
6th February, Potenza – AdR CNR, Sala Conferenze, via S. Loja – Area Industriale Tito Scalo
7th February, Bari – AdR CNR, Aula Convegni, via Amendola 122/o
8th February, Napoli – AdR CNR, Sala Convegni, via Pietro Castellino 111
4th March, Pisa – AdR CNR, Sala Conferenze, via Giuseppe Moruzzi 1
4th March, Firenze – AdR CNR, Sala Toraldo Di Francia, via Madonna del Piano 10
5th March, Bologna – AdR CNR, Stanza 215 – Centro Congressi I Piano, via Piero Gobetti 101
6th March, Padova – AdR CNR, Aula Blu, Corso Stati Uniti 4
7th March, Milano – Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 3 – Sala Rodolfi del Rettorato – Edificio U6 IV Piano. Referente: Dr.ssa Domenica Ferretti, ferretti@ieni.cnr.it, sede organizzativa: Area della Ricerca CNR Milano 3 http://www.area3.mi.cnr.it/ ”
8th March, Torino – AdR CNR, Sala dell’AdR, Strada delle Cacce 73
Seminar: Advanced Characterization Techniques for Clean Energy Materials

3th December 2012 – 15:30
Prof. Lorenzo Malavasi (Department of Chemistry & INSTM, Pavia, Italy)
Aula U. M. Grassano
Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
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Seminar: Quantum turbulence in a flow of He superfluid
6th September 2012 – 15:00
Dr. Simone Babuin (Accademia delle Scienze della Repubblica Ceca, Praga)
Aula Seminari del Dipartimento di Chimica
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
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Meeting: UCANS-III – presentations online

Spain, July 31st– Agust 3rd, 2012
Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (UCANS)
Accelerator Site in Bilbao, Spain
Related Information:
Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources- opens up new opportunities for organizations to enter the field of neutron physics with modest investments and without the proliferation and safety concerns associated with building a new research reactor. Such facilities can be used in fields as diverse as materials science, nuclear physics, medical physics, engineering, and cultural heritage. A satellite meeting to the ICANS-XIX Meeting (March 2010, Grindelwald, Switzerland) offered an opportune occasion to consolidate an alliance among institutions interested in constructing and operating such facilities. At this meeting participants unanimously acceded to the establishment of the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (UCANS). The members are: from the USA, Argonne National Lab (ANL) and Indiana University, from Japan, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Hokkaido University, Kyoto University and RIKEN, from China, Peking University and Tsinghua University, from Italy INFN Legnaro and INFN Frascati. Jack Carpenter of ANL serves as the initial spokesperson of UCANS. The participants of this new collaboration are united in their firm believe that UCANS is complementary to ICANS membership in both collaborations is encouraged.
The commissioning of the facilities in Indiana (LENS) proved the technical viability and the scientific importance of medium intensity sources based on accelerators. The impact of the scientific work performed at LENS in the area of moderators and the growing interest of the international scientific community in these advances are an evidence of the potential of this kind of facilities.
After two successful meetings, the next UCANS event will take place at the Accelerator Site in Bilbao, in summer 2012 July 31st- Agust 3rd.
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