The TECNOMUSE system is composed of particle detectors based on Resistive Plate (RPC). PRCs are gas ionization detectors developed at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and widely used in high energy physics
A RPC detector, schematically represented in Figure, consists of a pair of flat and parallel resistive electrodes, maintained at a distance d by suitable spacers, so as to form a “gap” which is filled with a mixture of gas at atmospheric pressure. The volume of gas comprised between the flat electrodes is the active region of the detector in which the charged particles that pass through it (in our case, the muons) produce the ionization of the gas with the consequent generation of an electrical signal. Two floors of thin parallel copper strips are in contact with the external faces of the electrodes and constitute the reading system (read-out) of the electrical signals produced in the gas, due to which it is possible to establish the time and the position in which the muon he interacted with the detector.