
logoTECNOMUSE (TECNOlogia MUonica per la SicurEzza nei porti) is a project that intends to introduce an innovative and non-invasive system for goods control. It is based on muon technology, integrated with advanced ICT methodologies and technologies, which allows to reliably identify the presence of harmful or radioactive substances, weapons and other materials dangerous for safety, reducing the scanning time of a closed standard container. A system that, compared to the classic X-rays, completely eliminates all radioactive risk effects for the personnel involved in the process. The project is expected to generate positive impacts on the manufacturing sector of Lazio and represents an example of innovation in Europe. The partnership is constituted, besides the leader company DsTech S.r.l. (software development, engineering, integration, testing and validation of the system), the General Technical S.r.l. for the production of sensors and two research organizations: the INUIT Foundation for the development and scientific support regarding the control and safety infrastructure, and the NAST Center of Tor Vergata for scientific support concerning the muon technique.