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Prof. Silvia Licoccia Office/Location Department of Chemical Science and Technologies Tel: +39 06 72594386 Lab: +39 06 72594479 Fax: +39+06 72594328 |
SL graduated in Chemistry with Laude at the University of Rome Sapienza. Since 2001 she is Professor of Chemical Foundations of Technologies at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. SL has been Director of the Department of Chemical Science and Technologies (2012-), Deputy Rector for Scientific Research (2013-19), and Director of the Teaching Supervising Committee of the International Ph.D. Program in Materials for Health, Environment and Energy (2009-19). She has been previously Director of NAST (2011-2013), President of AICIng (Italian Association Chemistry for Engineering (2010-2014).
SL spent several periods of study and research in Canada (York University, Toronto) and in the USA (University of Arizona, University of California Davis). Associate Editor of the International Journal of Nanomaterials (World Scientific), member of the Editorial Board of Green and Sustainable Chemistry (Scientific Research Publishing), and member of the Advisory Editorial Board of Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (Elsevier).
Peer Reviewer for several international Journals and co-organizer of several Conferences and Symposia under the framework of MRS, Electrochemical Society, European Ceramic Society, AICIng. Author of 4 patents, 2 books and 300 publications on international refereed journals, and over 300 scientific oral contributions at international conferences, meetings and schools. Her papers have been cited over 8650 times and her h-index is 50 (ISI & Scopus).
In 2011 SL has been awarded the American Ceramic Society ACerS Ross Coffin Purdy Award for the most valuable contribution to ceramic technical literature and in 2018 the AICIng Distinguished Scientific and Educational Award.
Research Activity
SL research activity is mainly directed towards sustainability issues, in particular: synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials for energy, environmental and biomedical applications. The research activity is at present mainly focused on the study of nanostructured materials for fuel cells (polymeric, PEMFC, solid oxide, SOFC, and microbial, MFC), innovative materials for fourth generation solar cells, flow batteries, and biomaterials.
Silvia Licoccia is Director of the Materials and Devices for Energy Group (MaDE@Tor Vergata,
Research Programs (since 2010)
MATTM (Ministry for Environment),Development of MEC-based devices for the production of bio-hydrogen, (€ 456.000, PI).
MiUR PRIN (Ministry for University), PC-SOFCs, Protonic Conductors Solid Oxide Fuel Cells based on nanostructured proton conductors: from materials synthesis to prototype fabrication. (€ 130,000; PI).
FILAS-POR (Piano Operativo Regionale), Sustainable energy production and waste management cia MEC technology. (€ 138,000; PI).
EU: International Research Staff Exchange Scheme META Materials Enhancement for Technological Applications. (€ 403,000; PI).
AGER Consortium, Valorisation of winemaking by-products and waste by application of innovative technologies for extraction of natural products of high added value (€ 120,000; Local PI)
MIUR PRIN 2011 (Ministry for University), Nanocomposite Advanced Membranes and innovative Electrocatalysts for Durable Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, NAMED-PEM (€ 132,000; local PI)
AGER Consortium, BIOVALE: Enologic byproducts added value (€ 25,000; local PI)
MAECI (Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation), BlueAPP: Bionspired tool for surface water monitoring based on Algal Polyphenol Production (€ 85,000; PI)
Publications: link alla banca dati di Ateneo
Teaching – link to Didattica web
Chemistry, BEng in Engineering (90 hours/average 150 students/year)
Instrumental Analysis, PhD in Materials for Health, Environment and Energy (average 10 students/year).