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Roberto Senesi Office/Location Dept. Physics Tel: +39 0672594549 |
He is research associate of CNR- IPCF, sezione di Messina and of Centro FERMI in Rome, with the current supervision of 2 PostDocs, 3 PhD students, 2 MSci Students, and leads as Project Manager the team of the VESPA instrument project, a vibrational neutron spectrometer under construction at the European Spallation Source.
Research Activity
Work in progress
Selected Publications
- G Romanelli, M Krzystyniak, G Festa, C Andreani, F Fernandez-Alonso, R Senesi “The road to a station for epithermal and thermal neutron analysis” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1055 (1), 012017
- Di Giulio, M. Zanetti, G. Romanelli, M. Krzystyniak, Senesi, F. Fernandez-Alonso “A McStas simulation of the incident neutron beam on the VESUVIO spectrometer” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1055 (1), 012014
- Ulpiani, G. Romanelli, L. Arcidiacono, D. Onorati, G. Festa, M Krzystyniak, E Schooneveld, F Fernandez-Alonso, C. Andreani, R. Senesi ”Enhancement of counting statistics and noise reduction in the forward-scattering detectors on the VESUVIO spectrometer” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1055 (1), 012008
- M Nardini, C Andreani, R Senesi, A Scherillo, F D’Agostino, L Romano, C Scatigno, G Festa “Neutron resonance capture analysis and chemometric tools: an integrated approach” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1055 (1), 012005
- D Onorati, C Andreani, L Arcidiacono, F Fernandez-Alonso, G Festa, M Krzystyniak, G Romanelli, P Ulpiani, R Senesi “Gamma background characterization on VESUVIO: before and after the moderator upgrade”Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1055 (1), 012009
- A Parmentier, L Arcidiacono, R Senesi, G Romanelli, C Andreani, J Moir, G Festa ”Absolute efficiency calibration of a coaxial HPGe detector for quantitative PGAA and T-PGAA” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1055 (1), 012010
- Piero Morales, Slavianka Moyanova, Luigi Pavone, Laura Fazi, Daniele Mirabile Gattia, Bruno Rapone, Anderson Gaglione, Roberto Senesi “Self-grafting carbon nanotubes on polymers for stretchable electronics” The European Physical Journal Plus 133 (6), 214
- Matthew Krzystyniak, Giovanni Romanelli, Margit Fabian, Matthias Gutmann, Giulia Festa, Laura Arcidiacono, Martyn Gigg, Kacper Drużbicki, Carla Andreani, Roberto Senesi, Felix Fernandez-Alonso “VESUVIO+: The Current Testbed for a Next-generation Epithermal Neutron Spectrometer” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1021 (1), 012026
- A Cianchi, C Andreani, R Bedogni, G Festa, OS Planell, R Senesi “Towards a compact Laser based Neutron source” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1021 (1), 012011
- R Senesi, F Masi, G Gorini, G Scionti, C Vasi, Y Bessler, M Kickulies, Y Lee, R Linander, D Lyngh, V Santoro, L Zanini “The neutron irradiation module at the European Spallation Source ESS” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1021 (1), 012054
- Marco Ottavi, Dario Asciolla, Tiziano Fiorucci, Elena Grosso, Carla Marzullo, Alessandro Scaramella, Simone Stramaccioni, Alessia Zibecchi, Carla Andreani, Gian Carlo Cardarilli, Carlo Cazzaniga, Luca Di Nunzio, Rocco Fazzolari, Marco Re, Pedro Reviriego, Gianluca Furano, Roberto Senesi “Setup and experimental results analysis of COTS Camera and SRAMs at the ISIS neutron facility” Design & Technology of Integrated Systems In Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2018 13th …
- C Andreani, G Romanelli, R Senesi “Correction to “Direct Measurements of Quantum Kinetic Energy Tensor in Stable and Metastable Water near the Triple Point: An Experimental Benchmark” The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (7), 1527-1527
- Giulia Festa, Triestino Minniti, Laura Arcidiacono, Matilde Borla, Daniela Di Martino, Federica Facchetti, Enrico Ferraris, Valentina Turina, Winfried Kockelmann, Joe Kelleher, Roberto Senesi, Christian Greco, Carla Andreani “Egyptian Grave Goods of Kha and Merit Studied by Neutron and Gamma Techniques” Angewandte Chemie
- C Andreani, R Senesi, A Paccagnella, M Bagatin, S Gerardin, C Cazzaniga, CD Frost, P Picozza, G Gorini, R Mancini, M Sarno “Fast neutron irradiation tests of flash memories used in space environment at the ISIS spallation neutron source” AIP Advances 8 (2), 025013
- Alexandra Parmentier, Carla Andreani, Giovanni Romanelli, Jacob J Shephard, Christoph G Salzmann, Roberto Senesi “Hydrogen mean force and anharmonicity in polycrystalline and amorphous ice” Frontiers of Physics 13 (1), 136101
- Giovanni Romanelli, Matthew Krzystyniak, Giulia Festa, Carla Andreani, Roberto Senesi, Felix Fernandez-Alonso “Neutrons Matter–VII International Workshop on Electron-Volt Neutron Spectroscopy” Neutron News 29 (1), 4-6
- A Fedi, M Ottavi, G Furano, A Bruno, R Senesi, C Andreani, C Cazzaniga “High-energy neutrons characterization of a safety critical computing system” Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), 2017.
- G Romanelli, M Krzystyniak, R Senesi, D Raspino, J Boxall, D Pooley, S Moorby, E Schooneveld, NJ Rhodes, C Andreani, F Fernandez-Alonso “Characterisation of the incident beam and current diffraction capabilities on the VESUVIO spectrometer” Measurement Science and Technology 28 (9), 095501