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Dr. Roberta Congestri
Dept of Biology, LBA, Laboratory of Biology of Algae
Tel: +39 06 72594332
Fax: +39 06 2023500
Work in progress
Dr. Roberta Congestri is research scientist in the Department of Biology at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
Her research interests include taxonomy, ecophysiology and ultrastructure of microalgae and cyanobacteria in aquatic biofilms and marine phytoplankton, especially toxic and bloom forming species. Electron microscopy and image analysis techniques; structural, 3-dimensional, and spectral analysis of biofilms by confocal microscopy. Applications in the field of biofilm based remediation of waters and biofouling monitoring. Traceability of algal toxins along the food chain by means of microsensors. Diatom photonics and micro-mechanics, ultrastructural analysis of diatom frustules, pore patterns, silica nanostructures and linking mechanisms for nanotechnology and biodesign.
Selected Publications
- Caroppo C., Congestri R., Bracchini L., Albertano P. (2005) – On the presence of Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle and P. delicatissima (Cleve) Heiden in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea, Italy): Journal of Plankton Research, 27 (8): 763-774. Equal contribution first two authors.
- Congestri R, Cox E.J., Cavacini P., Albertano P. (2005) – Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in phototrophic biofilms colonising an Italian wastewater treatment plant. Diatom Research, 20 (2): 241-255.
- Congestri R., Di Pippo F., De Philippis R., Buttino I., Paradossi G., Albertano P. (2006) – Seasonal succession of phototrophic biofilms in an Italian wastewater treatment plant: biovolume, spatial structure and exopolysaccharides”. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 45 (3): 301-312.
- Congestri R. (2008) – Advanced microscopy techniques as instruments for cell and tissue analysis in plants – FISH methods in phycology: phototrophic biofilm and phytoplankton applications. Plant Biosystems, 142 (2): 337-342.
- Congestri R., Polizzano S., Albertano P. (2008) – Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia populations from the Middle Tyrrhenian Sea (Mediterranean Sea, Italy) In: V. Evangelista, L. Barsanti, A.M. Frassanito, V. Passarelli, and P. Gualtieri [eds.] Algal toxins: nature, occurrence, effect and detection. NATO Science Series, Chemistry and Biology. Springer Netherlands. p. 197-210.
- Albertano P., Congestri R., Micheli L., Moscone D., Palleschi G. (2008) – Development of sensors to trace toxins from dinoflagellates and other algae to seafood In: V. Evangelista, L. Barsanti, A.M. Frassanito, V. Passarelli, and P. Gualtieri [eds.] Algal toxins: nature, occurrence, effect and detection. NATO Science Series, Chemistry and Biology. SpringerNetherlands. p. 301-310.
- De StefanoM., De Stefano L., Congestri R. (2009) – Functional morphology of micro-and nanostructures in two distinct diatom frustules. Superlattices and Microstructures 46: 64-68.
- Di Pippo F., Bohn A., Congestri R., De Philippis R., Albertano P. (2009) – Capsular polysaccharides of cultured phototrophic biofilms. Biofouling 25: 495-504
- Congestri R., Albertano P. 2011 – Benthic diatoms in biofilm culture. In: The Diatom World (vol 19, Cole series) Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, Vol. 19 cap 10 Seckbach, Joseph & Kociolek, Patrick [eds.] ISBN: 978-94-007-1326-0: in press.