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Paola Paniccia Office/Location Department of Management and Law Tel: +39(0)672595818 Fax: +39(0)672595804 |
Paola M.A. Paniccia is a Full Professor of Management at the Tor Vergata University of Rome (since 2002), where she currently teaches General Management (undergraduate level), Knowledge Management (graduate level) and Economics and Management of Tourist and Cultural Activities (graduate level). In this University, she also taught Organizational Behavior (2004-2006).
P.Paniccia is a Ordinary member of the Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management (AIDEA) and a member of the Italian Society of Management (SIMA). She seats in the Editorial Board of and she is Reviewer for the following journals: Essays on Management, Economics and Ethics, McGraw-Hill, Italy 09); Impresa Progetto-Electronic Journal of Management; Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage; Sinergie Italian Journal of Management; and, The European Journal of Tourism Research. Moreover, she is an ad hoc Reviewer for the following journal: Tourism Management; Journal of Sustainable Tourism; and, Sustainability. P. Paniccia is part of international research networks and co-organizer of several Conferences around the topics of General Management, Knowledge Management, Sustainability and CSR, Cultural and Tourism Management, these including: European Academy of Management – EURAM, European Academy of Management and Business Economics – AEDEM, European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano – EURAC, International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism – AIEST). She has also co-authored research with scholars from the Catholic University of Eichestaett-Inglostad (Germany), and has promoted the signing of the collaboration agreement between this University, the Association ManagerItalia Roma, and the Tor Vergata University aimed at activating (from ay.2005 / 2006) a teaching in Economics and Management of Tourist and Cultural activities. The course, was entirely financed by the Association. Since 2016, she is the Italian representative for the Agreement of Cultural and Scientific Collaboration between the University of Ghana “GU” and the Tor Vergata University of Rome, in which she is Director of two projects on tourism management and enhancement of cultural heritage in Ghana. Moreover, she participated to numerous research promoted by the Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management (i.e., GSA-AIDEA). She is member of the National Cluster in Tourism promoted by CUEIM (Italian University Consortium of industrial and managerial economics). Since 2015 she is member of the Scientific Committee of EcceItalia – the National Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy. Since December 2017, she is member of the Scientific Committee of the Central Training School “Livio Labor”, established by the Christian Associations of Italian Workers (ACLI).
At Tor Vergata Univeristy, she was Coordinator of the Course in “Economics and Management” (CLEM), Undergraduate and Graduate Modules ( 2013 – 2015) and she is member of the University Council of the Course in Management – CLEM (Master’s Degree), since 2016. P.Paniccia is Director of the Master in “Economics and Management of Tourist and Cultural Activities”; Director of the Master in “Management of the Organizations and Social Doctrine of the Church”; Vice-Director of the Master in “Real Estate Economics and Management” (MEGIM). Moreover, she has coordinated the Specialization Course in “Social Doctrine of the Church for Economic and Social Development” and the Master in “Projecting ommunity Programmes and International Cooperation” – IAD School (2009 –2011).
As delegate by the Rector, she is member of the Boards of Directors of the Italian Association of University Incubators and Business Plan Competition (PNICube), Coordinator of the Start Cup Lazio (a competition for the creation of innovative startup in the Lazio region). Moreover, she is also a member of the University Committee entitled “Research Promotion for Knowledge Transfer – Patents and Spin-offs” (CVRTT). Moreover she is a member of the Scientific Council of the “Interdepartmental Center for TeleInFrastructures (CTIF)” (since 2014) and member of the “Scientific Council of the “NAST Research Centre for Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Innovative Instrumentation (since 2016).
Research Activity
Her research activity is mainly directed towards Governance and business management issues, in particular: Systemic and evolutionary Approaches to the Theory of the Firm; Co-evolution, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability with a focus on tourism, cultural and creative firms and tourism destinations; Knowledge Management and Time Management; Ethics Management;Start-ups and spin-off.
She has published 8 monographs, 6 edited books and over 60 articles and essays on international and national refereed journals and books. In addition, she presented over 80 scientific contributions at conferences, meetings and schools.
Active Research Programs
P. Paniccia is the scientific responsible for the following research projects (in progress):
PRIN MIUR, Governance and management for a sustainable competitiveness of the Italian UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Principal Investigator: P. Paniccia – Tor Vergata University; Associate investigator: Martini U. – Trento University; Rossato C. – Verona University , P. Paniccia – Tor Vergata University 2017; Sepe M. – CNR, 2017.
POR FESR 2014-2020 Lazio “ SMART MICE PLATFORM” – Piattaforma Digitale Integrata per i Servizi del Convention Bureau di Roma e Lazio, in collaborazione con Università Link Campus, Società CB di Roma e Lazio e varie imprese, 2017.
POR FESR 2014-2020 Lazio “ MULTIMEDIA TOUR”, in collaborazione con Università della Tuscia, CNR e varie imprese, finalizzato alla valorizzazione delle specifiche identità territoriali delle aree o dei Castelli Romani e della Tuscia, 2017
UNIVERSITY OF GHANA “UG”, Creating community-based sustainable tourism in Ghana: network of small hospitality business as knowledge generators”, within the Agreement of Cultural and Scientific Collaboration between the University of Ghana “UG” and the Tor Vergata University of Rome, 2016.
UNIVERSITY OF GHANA“UG”, project of creating a Research and training Center on “Tourism Management and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage” in the University of Ghana “UG, within the Agreement of Cultural and Scientific Collaboration between the University of Ghana “UG” and the Tor Vergata University of Rome, 2016.
Other Activities
Co-organizer of various conferences and symposia under the frame of the Academy of Business Administration and Management (AIDEA), Italian Society of Management (SIMA), European Academy of Management and Business Economics (AEDEM), European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC), International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST), Vicariato di Roma.
Selected Publications
- Paniccia P., (2018). Conoscenza e impresa: prospettive di analisi, concetti di base e processi. In: Paniccia P. (Ed.), Knowledge management per la competitività d’impresa. Modelli, strumenti, casi di studio. Roma, Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-1370-7. Doi: 10.4399/97888255137076.
- Paniccia P., Baiocco S., Scafarto F. (2018), TTOs and Successful University Spin-offs: A Co-Evolutionary Perspective, 25th Annual EurOMA Conference, 24-26 June 2018, Budapest (Hungary) Track: Entrepreneurial University, p. 63, ISBN 978-615-5270-43-7.
- Paniccia P., Barile S. (Ed.,2018), Evoluzionismo sistemico:Il fascino della precarietà. Atti di Convegno, Aracne, Rome, ISBN: 978-88-255-1664-7.
- Paniccia P., (2018). L’impresa time-knowledge based. In: Paniccia P. (Ed.), Knowledge management per la competitività d’impresa. Modelli, strumenti, casi di studio. Roma, Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-1370-7. Doi: 10.4399/97888255137076.
- Leoni L., Silvestrelli P., Paniccia P (2018). Modelli di general management e strumenti di knowledge management. In: (a cura di): Paniccia P, Knowledge management per la competitività d’impresa. Modelli, strumenti, casi di studio. Roma, Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-1370-7. Doi: 10.4399/97888255137076.
- Paniccia P., Baiocco S. (2018), “Turismo religioso e competitività: una prospettiva co-evolutiva dei servizi di ospitalità”, in S. Poggesi e P.M.A. Paniccia, “Evoluzione nei servizi – Evolution in services”, Cedam, Wolters Kluver, Padova, ISBN: 978-88-13-365479.
- Paniccia P.M.A., Leoni L., Baiocco S. (2017), “Interpreting Sustainability through Co-Evolution: Evidence from Religious Accommodations in Rome”, Sustainability, 9(12), 2301, Doi:10.3390/su9122301
- Paniccia P. M.A., Leoni L. (2017), “Co-evolution in Tourism: the case of Albergo Diffuso”, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2017.1367763.
- Paniccia P.M.A., Silvestrelli P., Leoni L., Baiocco S. (2017), Imprese agricole, territorio e turismo in sinergia per lo sviluppo sostenibile, in Impresa Progetto – Electronic Journal of Management, n.3, pp. 1-32, ISSN 1824-3576.
- Paniccia P., Formisano, V. (2016), “L’industria manifatturiera italiana: le sfide e il coraggio. Evidenze dal caso Fiat”, in Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, vol. 33, pp. 19-44, ISSN 0393-5108, DOI 10.7433/s98.2015, ( <
- Paniccia P., Morelli G., Cicerchia A. (2015), “Le imprese creative: dall’approccio per classificazioni ai modelli di management”, in Economia dei Servizi. Mercati Istituzioni, Management, 2, pp. 123-150, JEL:L22, L89,014, Z10.
- Paniccia, P. (2015), “La virtù del coraggio nell’imprenditorialità: dal concetto etico cristiano al concetto imprenditoriale di coraggio”, in F. D’Ascenzo, G. Ferri, M. Risso (a cura di), L’umanesimo nell’economia globalizzata, Collana Nuovo Umanesimo, Economia, vol.12, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, Roma
- Paniccia, P., Leoni, L., Cicerchia, A. (2015), “Residenze e borghi storici in Italia: un’opportunità di crescita sinergica nell’ottica della sostenibilità per il management turistico e immobiliare”, in Cafferata R. (a cura di), Real Estate. Tendenze evolutive del settore. il Mulino, Bologna, 301-335. ISBN: 978-88-15-25834-2.
- Paniccia P., Basciano M. (2014), Modelli e tecniche di management applicati all’impresa turistica, Giappichelli, Turin.
- Paniccia P., Basciano M. (2013), “Roma cresce in Russia e in altre repubbliche ex-sovietiche”, in Roma Capitale (Ed.), Roma cresce. Brasile, Cina e Russia: mercati strategici di un nuovo turismo per l’Italia e la Capitale, Franco Angeli, Milan, pp. 157-219.
- Paniccia P., Silvestrelli P., Valeri M., Montella M.M., Rozera C. (2013), “Innovare nell’ottica della sostenibilità. L’esempio dell’albergo diffuso come progetto di valorizzazione per il territorio”, in Franch M. and Martini U. (Eds.), Management per la sostenibilità dello sviluppo turistico e la competitività delle destinazioni, AIDEA, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 273-324.
- Pechlaner H., Paniccia P. M.A., Valeri M., Raich F. (Eds., 2012), Destination Governance. Teoria ed esperienze, Giappichelli, Turin, pp. 1-479.
- Paniccia P. (2012), “Nuovi fermenti di sviluppo sostenibile nel turismo: l’esempio dell’ “albergo diffuso”. Tra borghi storici, residenze d’epoca e antichi casali rurali”, in Impresa Progetto – Electronic Journal of Management, n. 1, pp. 1-26.
- Paniccia P., Valeri M. (2010), “Enhancing knowledge in tourist firms: between maintenance and change”, in Keller P. and Biegger T. (Eds.), Managing Change in Tourism. Creating Opportunities – Overcoming Obstacle, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, pp. 123-136.
- Paniccia P., Pechlaner H., Valeri M. (2010), “The importance of the time of experience in the innovation of tourism business – The Sextantio Albergo Diffuso”, in Weiermair K., Go F., Keller P., Pechlaner H. (Eds.), Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Tourism, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, pp. 97-116.
- Paniccia P. (2009), “The Time of Experience in the innovation of hotel firm. Customer experience and systemic co-evolution”, in Celant A. Creativity and Survival of the Firm Under Uncertainty. Rome, September, 10th-11th, 2009, European Academic Publishers, Madrid: ISBN: 978-84-692-5174-4.
- Paniccia P. (2002), Dinamiche temporali e cognitive nell’approccio sistemico al governo dell’impresa, Cedam, Padua.
Teaching – link to Didattica web
- Economia e Gestione delle Imprese (undergraduate level, 60 hours/average 400 students/year)
- Knowledge Management (graduate level, 36 hours/average 200 students/year
- Economia e Gestione delle Attività Turistiche E Culturali (graduate level, 36 hours/average 50 students/year.
- Master Mematic (35 hours/average 12 students/year)
- Master MODSC(35 hours/average 12 students/year)