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Giulia Festa
Office/Location Tel: +39 06 72594429 |
Place of birth: Rome, Italy
Date of birth: 19/05/1979
Citizenship: Italian
Current position: Researcher at Physics Department of the Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Associate Scientist at Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico FERMI (CENTRO FERMI) and CNR-IC.
Giulia Festa is an experimental physicist. Her research focuses on the development of neutron instrumentation and the analysis of materials of historical and artistic interest. She has been Principal Investigator (PI) of numerous experiments at European neutron facilities (ISIS-Oxford, FRMII-Munich, BNC-Budapest, PSI-Villigen).
Research Activity
Giulia Festa is an experimental physicist. Her research interests relate to the development of neutron instrumentation for applications on materials and, in particular, applied to the study of materials of archaeological and cultural interest.
With regard to neutron instrumentation, GF worked on the development of neutron imaging instrumentation (Prompt Gamma Activation Imaging) and devices for gamma and neutron detection (Silicon Photo-Multiplier technology, neutron radiative capture-based counting technique). Within the EU-funded ANCIENT CHARM project, GF developed ancillary equipment and gamma detectors to be used for Neutron Resonance Capture Imaging (NRCI) and neutron tomography on objects of cultural and archaeological interest as well as software for data analysis.
GF employed scientific investigation techniques in the field of archaeological research providing successful results such as the integrated neutron analysis of the Ghiberti East Door from the Florence Baptistery determining state of conservation and manufacturing technique, or the study about the composition and corrosion products of Etruscan Bronzes from the Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia.
IRICH: Forum on Technology for Cultural Heritage, Shanghai, 24-25 June 2010 ( Video)
Neutron Tomography results of an Etruscan Vase ( Video)
Selected Publications
- N. Kardjilov and G. Festa (Editors), Neutron Methods for Archeology and Cultural Heritage, Springer (2017).
[2016] K. V. Tian, G. Festa, F. Basoli, G. Laganà, A. Scherillo, C. Andreani, S. Licoccia, R. Senesi and P. Cozza, ‘Orthodontic archwire composition and phase analyses by neutron spectroscopy’, Dental Materials Journal, in pubblication, (2016).
[2016] I. Bukreeva, A. Mittone, A. Bravin, G. Festa, M. Alessandrelli, P. Coan, V. Formoso, R. G. Agostino, M. Giocondo, F. Ciuchi, M. Fratini, L. Massimi, A. Lamarra, C. Andreani, R. Bartolino, G. Gigli, G. Ranocchia, A. Cedola, ‘Corrigendum: Virtual unrolling and deciphering of Herculaneum papyri by X-ray phase-contrast tomography’, Scientific Reports 6, 30364 (2016).
[2016] I. Bukreeva, A. Mittone, A. Bravin, G. Festa, M. Alessandrelli, P. Coan, V. Formoso, R. G. Agostino, M. Giocondo, F. Ciuchi, M. Fratini, L. Massimi, A. Lamarra, C. Andreani, R. Bartolino, G. Gigli, G. Ranocchia, A. Cedola, ‘Enhanced X-ray-phase-contrast-tomography brings new clarity to the 2000-year-old “voice” of Epicurean philosopher Philodemus’, Scientific Reports 6:27227 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27227 (2016)
[2016] I. S. Anderson, C. Andreani, J. M. Carpenter, G. Festa, G. Gorini, C.-K. Loong, R. Senesi, ‘Research Opportunities with Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources’, Physics Reports 654, 1-58 (2016).
[2016] G. Festa, L. Arcidiacono, A. Pappalardo, T. Minniti, C. Cazzaniga, A.Scherillo, C. Andreani and R. Senesi, ‘Isotope identification capabilities using time resolved prompt gamma emission from epithermal neutrons’, Journal of Instrumentation,11, C03060, (2016).
[2016] C. Conti, C. Colombo, G. Festa, J. Hovind, E. Perelli Cippo, E. Possenti, M. Realini.‘Investigation of ammonium oxalate diffusion in carbonatic substratesby neutron tomography’, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 19, 463–466 (2016).
[2015] G. Festa, E. Perelli Cippo, D. Di Martino, R. Cattaneo, R. Senesi, C. Andreani, E. Schooneveld, W. Kockelmann, N. Rhodes, P. Kudejova, K. Biro, K. Duzs, Z. Hajnal, G. Gorini. ‘Neutron Resonance Transmission Imaging for 3D elemental mapping at the ISIS spallation neutron source’, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30, 745 (2015)
[2014] G. Gorini, G. Festa and C. Andreani, ‘Epithermal neutron instrumentation at ISIS’, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 571 (2014) 01200
[2014] C. Andreani, I. S. Anderson, J. M. Carpenter, G. Festa, G. Gorini, C.K. Loong and R. Senesi, ‘Applications of Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources: An Updated Assessment from the Perspective of Materials Research in Italy’, Physics Procedia 60, 228 – 237(2014)
[2014] M. Rubini, V. Cerroni, G. Festa, R. Sardella, P. Zaio, ‘A revision of hominin fossil teeth from Fontana Ranuccio (Anagni, Frosinone, Italy)’, Journal of Human Evolution, 77, 204-216 (2014).
[2014] A. Miceli, G. Festa, R. Senesi, E. Perelli Cippo, L. Giacomelli, M. Tardocchi, A. Scherillo, E. Schooneveld, C. Frost, G. Gorini and C. Andreani, ‘Measurements of Gamma Background at Spallation Neutron Source Beamlines’, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29, 1897, DOI: 10.1039/C4JA00183D (2014).
[2014] G. Festa, G. Tardino, L. Pontecorvo, D. C. Mannes, R. Senesi, G. Gorini, C. Andreani , ‘Neutrons and Music: imaging investigation of ancient flute musical instruments’, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research B, 336, 63–69 (2014).
[2013] A. Miceli, G. Festa, G. Gorini, R. Senesi, C. Andreani, ‘Pulsed neutron gamma-ray logging in archaeological site survey’, Measurement Science and Technology, 24 125903 (2013).
[2013] A. Miceli, G. Festa, R. Senesi, G. Gorini, C. Andreani, ‘Localization of inclusions in multiple prompt gamma ray analysis: a feasibility study’, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 470 012001 (2013)
[2013] E. Barzagli, F. Grazzi, F. Civita, A. Scherillo, A. Pietropaolo, G. Festa, M. Zoppi, ‘Non invasive characterization of SIX Japanese HAND GUARDS: tsuba’, Applied Physics A (2013.)
[2013] G. Festa, A. Pietropaolo, C. Andreani, F. Grazzi, E. Barzagli, A. Scherillo, E. Schooneveld, ‘Simultaneous and integrated neutron-based techniques for material analysis of a metallic ancient flute’, Measurement Science and Technology 24, 095601 (2013).
[2012] L. Quintieri, R. Bedogni, B. Buonomo, M. De Giorgi, M. Chiti, A. Esposito, L. Foggetta, A. Gentile, G. Mazzitelli, P. Valente, J.M. Gomez-Ros, G. Festa, A. Pietropaolo, E. Reali, ‘A Photo-neutron source at the DaΦne Beam Test Facility of the INFN National Laboratories in Frascati: design and first experimental results’, Physics Procedia 26, 249 – 260 (2012)
[2011] A. Pietropaolo, G. Festa, F. Grazzi, E. Barzagli, A. Scherillo, E. M. Schooneveld, ‘A multitask neutron beam line for spallation neutron sources’, Europhysics Letters, 95, 48007 (2011).
[2011] G. Festa, A. Pietropaolo, F. Grazzi, E. Barzagli, E. M. Schooneveld, A. Scherillo, ‘Neutron diffraction measurements at the INES diffractometer using a neutron radiative capture-based counting technique’, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 654 (1) 373-376 (2011).
[2011] E. Perelli Cippo, A. Borella, G. Gorini, W. Kockelmann, M. Mox, H. Postma, N. J. Rhodes, P. Schillebeeckx, E. M. Schoonenveld, M. Tardocchi, K. Dusz, S. Hajnal, K. Biro, S. Porcinai, C. Andreani and G. Festa, ‘Imaging of cultural heritage objects using neutron resonances’, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 26, 992 (2011).
[2011] G. Festa, R. Senesi, M Alessandroni, C. Andreani, G. Vitali, S. Porcinai, A. M. Giusti, T. Materna, A. Paradowska, ‘Non destructive neutron diffraction measurements of cavities, inhomogeneities and residual strain in bronzes of Ghiberti’s relief from the Gates of Paradise’, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, n.6 (2011).
[2010] A. Pietropaolo, G. Gorini, G. Festa, E. Reali, F. Grazzi and E. M. Schooneveld, ‘Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis Experimental Station at the ISIS Spallation Source’, Applied Spectroscopy, 64, n.9 (2010).
[2010] G. Festa, Pietropaolo, E. Reali, F. Grazzi and E. M. Schooneveld, ‘A gamma-ray detector with silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) readout for neutron diffraction experiments at spallation neutron sources’, Measurement Science and Technology, 21, 035901(2010) .
[2009] A. Pietropaolo, G. Gorini, G. Festa, C. Andreani, M. P. De Pascale, E. Reali, F. Grazzi and E. M. Schooneveld, ‘A silicon photomultiplier readout for time of flight neutron spectroscopy with gamma-ray detectors’, Review of Scientific Instruments, 80, Issue 9 (2009).
[2009] G. Festa, C. Andreani, M. P. De Pascale, R. Senesi, G. Vitali, S. Porcinai, A. M. Giusti, R. Schulze, L. Canella, P. Kudejova, M. Mühlbauer, B. Schillinger and the Ancient Charm Collaboration, ‘A non-destructive stratigraphic and radiographic neutron study of Lorenzo Ghiberti’s reliefs from Paradise and North doors of Florence Baptistery’, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, N.4 (2009).
[2008] T. Belgya, Z. Kis, L. Szentmiklósi, Zs. Kasztovszky, G. Festa, L. Andreanelli, M. P. De Pascale, A. Pietropaolo, P. Kudejova, R. Schulze, T. Materna and the Ancient Charm Collaboration, ‘A new PGAI-NT setup at the NIPS facility of the Budapest Research Reactor’, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 278, N.3, 713–718(2008).
[2008] T. Belgya, Z. Kis, L. Szentmiklósi, Zs. Kasztovszky, P. Kudejova, R. Schulze, T. Materna, G. Festa, P. A. Caroppi and the Ancient Charm Collaboration, ‘First elemental imaging experiments on a combined PGAI and NT setup at the Budapest Research Reactor’, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 278, N.3 751–754 (2008).
[2008] Zs. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, T. Belgya, W. Kockelmann, S. Imberti, E. M. Schooneveld, G. Festa, A. Filabozzi, C. Andreani, A. Kirfel, K. T. Biró, K. Dúzs, Zs. Hajnal, P. Kudejova M. Tardocchi and the Ancient Charm Collaboration, ‘Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis and time of flight neutron diffraction of ‘Black Boxes’ in the ‘Ancient Charm’ project’, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 278, N.3 661–664 (2008).
[2008] G. Festa for the Ancient Charm Collaboration, ‘Study of archaeological samples via neutron techniques’, Il Nuovo Cimento B, 122, 06-07 (2008).
[2008] G. Festa, P. A. Caroppi, A. Filabozzi, C. Andreani, M. L. Arancio, R. Triolo, F. Lo Celso, V. Benfante, S. Imberti, ‘Composition and corrosion phases of Etruscan Bronzes from Villanovan Age’, Meas. Sci. Technol. 19, 034004 (2008).
[2007] G. Gorini and Ancient Charm collaboration (Giulia Festa et al.), ‘Ancient Charm: a research project for neutron-based investigation of cultural heritage objects’, Nuovo Cimento, 30, N. 1, 47, DOI 10.1393/ncc/i2006-10035-9, (Gennaio-Febbrario 2007).