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Alessandro Cianchi Office/Location Dept. Physics Tel: +39 067259 4535 /4544 Fax: +39 00 0000000 |
PhD in Physics in 2002 at the University of Rome Tor Vergata where he is a researcher since 2008.
AC is presently scientific responsible of the project Tecnomuse, funded by Regione Lazio regional government.
AC is also responsible for electron beam instrumentation and diagnostics at SPARC_LAB laboratory in INFN-LNF in Frascati.
Since 2018 he is leader of Working Package 15 (diagnostics) of the European Project “EuPRAXIA”.
AC was formerly responsible for diagnostics and instrumentation in another European project, ELI-NP, a compact machine to produce X-rays by inverse Compton scattering.
AC joined several program committees for conferences in the field of accelerator physics and its applications.
AC is referee of some important journals as Physical Review Letters, Physics Review AB, Plasma Physics and controlled fusion, Journal of Optical Society of America B.
AC published more than 100 papers, cited more than 3400 times with a h-index of 24 (Scopus).
Research Activity
AC main researcher topics is the developing of beam instrumentation for new accelerators, in particular X-rays light sources for science and applied physics. He developed several diagnostics for high brightness electron beams.
AC is in charge for electron beam diagnostics at the interdisciplinary SPARC_LAB laboratory at INFN Frascati.
AC is also responsible for the Working Package Diagnostics in the European project “EuPRAXIA”, funded by EU in order to deliver the first conceptual design report of a compact accelerator driven by plasma acceleration for scientific and industrial applications.
AC is scientific responsible of the project Tecnomuse, funded by Regione Lazio regional government to screen the port containers using cosmic background radiation.
Selected Publications
- Cianchi, Alessandro, et al. “Frontiers of beam diagnostics in plasma accelerators: Measuring the ultra‐fast and ultra‐cold.” Physics of Plasmas 25.5 (2018): 056704.
- Cianchi, A., Alesini, D., Anania, M. P., Biagioni, F., Bisesto, F., Chiadroni, E., … & Giribono, A. (2018). Conceptual design of electron beam diagnostics for high brightness plasma accelerator. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.
- Cianchi, A., Andreani, C., Bedogni, R., Festa, G., Sans‐Planell, O., & Senesi, R. (2018). A complementary compact laser based neutron source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment..
- Pompili, R., Anania, M. P., Bisesto, F., Botton, M., Chiadroni, E., Cianchi, A., … & Petrarca, M. (2018). Ultrafast evolution of electric fields from high‐intensity laser‐matter interactions. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 3243.
- Marocchino, A., Anania, M. P., Bellaveglia, M., Biagioni, A., Bini, S., Bisesto, F., … & Di Giovenale, D. (2017). Experimental characterization of the effects induced by passive plasma lens on high brightness electron bunches. Applied Physics Letters, 111(18), 184101.
- Curcio, A., Anania, M., Bisesto, F., Botton, M., Castellano, M., Chiadroni, E., … & Henis, Z. (2018). Electro‐Optical Detection of Coherent Radiation Induced by Relativistic Electron Bunches in the Near and Far Fields. Physical Review Applied, 9(2), 024004.
- Bisesto, F. G., Castellano, M., Chiadroni, E., & Cianchi, A. (2018). Zemax simulations describing collective effects in transition and diffraction radiation. Optics Express, 26(4), 5075‐5082.
- Pompili, R., Anania, M. P., Bellaveglia, M., Biagioni, A., Bini, S., Bisesto, F., … & Croia, M. (2017). Experimental characterization of active plasma lensing for electron beams. Applied Physics Letters, 110(10), 104101.
- Giorgianni, F., Chiadroni, E., Rovere, A., Cestelli‐Guidi, M., Perucchi, A., Bellaveglia, M., … & Pompili, R. (2016). Strong nonlinear terahertz response induced by dirac surface states in Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulator. Nature communications, 7, 11421.
- Pompili, R., Anania, M. P., Bisesto, F., Botton, M., Castellano, M., Chiadroni, E., … & Henis, Z. (2016). Femtosecond dynamics of energetic electrons in high intensity laser‐matter interactions. Scientific reports, 6, 35000.
Petralia, A., et al. “Two‐color radiation generated in a seeded free‐electron laser with two electron beams.” Physical review letters 115.1 (2015): 014801. - Cianchi, A., et al., Six‐dimensional measurements of trains of high brightness electron bunches, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams (2015); doi: 10.1103 /PhysRevSTAB.18.082 804
- Cianchi, A., et al. “First non‐intercepting emittance measurement by means of optical diffraction radiation interference.” New journal of physics 16.11 (2014): 113029.
- Subiel, A., et al, Dosimetry of Very High Energy Electrons (VHEE) for radiotherapy applications, Phys. Med. Biol. 59 (2014); doi:10.1088/0031‐9155/59/19/5811.
- Petrillo, V., et al, Observation of time‐domain modulation of free‐electron‐laser pulses by multipeaked electron‐energy spectrum, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2013); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.114802.
- Cianchi, A., et al. “Challenges in plasma and laser wakefield accelerated beams diagnostic.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 720 (2013): 153‐156
- Giannessi, L., et al. “Superradiant cascade in a seeded free‐electron laser.” Physical review letters 110.4 (2013): 044801.
- Giannessi, L., et al, High‐Order‐Harmonic Generation and Superradiance in a Seeded Free‐Electron Laser, Phys. Rev. Lett., (2012); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.16 4801.
- Labat, M., et al. “High‐gain harmonic‐generation free‐electron laser seeded by harmonics generated in gas.” Physical review letters 107.22 (2011): 224801.
- Cianchi, A., et al. “Nonintercepting electron beam size monitor using optical diffraction radiation interference.” Physical Review Special Topics‐Accelerators and Beams 14.10 (2011): 102803.
Teaching – link to Didattica web
- Since 2011 AC is giving the course of Particle Accelerators for Science and Interdisciplinary Applications for the course of study in Physics.
- Since 2013 General Physics I & II online for Engineering Management.
- Formerly between 2008-2010 he gave the course of Computer Science introduction (in Italian) for Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
AC also was assistant professor for the course of the Lab3 (electronics) between 2008-2015.